Thinkbox by Mondi | Workshops and webinars

A group working on a problem and making notes on a board.
About ThinkBox

Discover, Discuss, Design

ThinkBox is a hybrid knowledge hub that facilitates inspiration, insight, learning and problem-solving around packaging solutions. It’s a forum where designs are created and optimised, and a space that brings people and minds together, either physically in workshops or events, or digitally through interactive webinars.

The ThinkBox Pillars

  • Think Co-Creation

    We see design as a process where our unique co-creation approach involves all stakeholders, from the exploration to the proofing phase, in generating precise solutions for your projects.

  • Think Inspiration

    ThinkBox is a platform for insights, inspiration, vision and changeĀ in the corrugated packaging industry. By reflecting industry-specific trends and benchmarks, we create an environment that fosters multidimensional thinking to elevate your projects.

  • Think Skills

    ThinkBox also hosts various face-to-face and digital interactive training courses, as well as skills transfer and upskilling events, accompanied by practical and tangible demonstrations.

A graphic representation of the ThinkBox journey with the steps ideation, creation, decision.

Your Journey

Each project at ThinkBox follows one of our three workshop blueprints, customised on the basis of interviews and a joint exchange and analysis together with the relevant stakeholders. Our well-structured workshop types provide you with:


  • Focused project ideas
  • Clarified expectations
  • Addressed challenges and pain points
  • Inspiration for next steps
  • Business opportunities
  • Identification of improvements
  • Actionable packaging solutions


Interested in a bespoke workshop?

Contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

A group of people having a conversation around a table in a virtual ThinkBox space.


Frequently asked questions

Quickly find answers to common questions about the ThinkBox and our approach.

A woman is smiling and looking at the reader, with a group chatting in the background.