Think Inspiration

ThinkBox is a platform for insights, inspiration, vision and change in the corrugated packaging industry. By reflecting industry-specific trends and benchmarks, we create an environment that fosters multidimensional thinking to elevate your projects.

A visual representation with yellow, white, and black elements symbolising in-depth conversations by experts.

Insight events

Meet industry experts or learn from the experience of your peers. Connect with important stakeholders and benefit from their knowledge. Meetings in the ThinkBox give you a great opportunity to find the inspiration you need to take your business to the next level.


A visual representation with yellow, white, and black elements symbolising webinars.

Interactive webinars

Hear from our experts or peers about the details of successful packaging in your sector, or new drivers in the packaging industry. Knowledge and insights relating to hot topics are brought right to your desk in our webinars from the ThinkBox.


A visual representation with yellow, white, and black elements symbolising the concept of design-thinking.

Design thinking groups

Focus groups enable us to discover the hidden desires of users and find solutions for overlooked problems.



Interested in a bespoke workshop?

Contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

A group of people having a conversation around a table in a virtual ThinkBox space.