Welcome to our FAQs page. Quickly find answers to common questions about the ThinkBox and our approach.

Your questions, answered

Do we have to visit a ThinkBox facility to attend a ThinkBox workshop?

Do you offer ThinkBox workshops to all Mondi customers?

How does ThinkBox benefit my business?

Who can participate in ThinkBox workshop sessions?

What makes ThinkBox different from other business development programmes?

How are ThinkBox workshops structured?

Can ThinkBox address sustainability goals?

Can ThinkBox help with both short-term projects and long-term strategies?

Can the ThinkBox concept be applied in different industries?

What kind of follow-up support is available after a ThinkBox workshop?


Interested in a bespoke workshop?

Contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

A group of people having a conversation around a table in a virtual ThinkBox space.